Category Archives: Lazio
Driving through Abruzzo (TomTom sucks)
We never seem to get used to Italian opening hours, and find ourselves repeatedly being thwarted by the lunchtime closing — I think our main issue is our fairly relaxed morning routine, which usually leads to us not venturing out until late-morning. Today was no exception — after driving to the clutch of camper accessories shops (with a minor detour … Continue reading
Pretending to be Romans
Wow, we’ve really got slow travelling down now — we’ve stayed at the last two places for more than two weeks! It’s a very, very relaxed pace which occasionally invokes tiny stabs of guilt for me (we should be racing around seeing everything we possibly can!), but it permits us to make a proper life of it, and that’s one … Continue reading
Vegemite in Rome
Katherine spent almost all yesterday picking out things to do today in Rome — she found an art supplies place, several Lush shops, and an original language cinema so we could go and see Alice in Wonderland! But, most importantly, my very talented and wonderful mother found us a forum in which people had discussed where to find Vegemite in … Continue reading
To Rome!
Strike three — or possibly two, or four, I’ve lost count: No Rome for us, the following day after the last entry. We were all ready to go, and then I couldn’t find Paolo to pay for our stay here! I called them up on the mobile, and over the raucous beeping of car horns, they explained they were in … Continue reading
Rome! How exciting! This was our original point of entry into Europe, before we chickened out and changed our flights to London. And just as well, too — we simply couldn’t imagine landing straight from Australia and getting ourselves set up here in this bustling, bewildering metropolis! The drive from Tuscany was quite long but scenic for the most part; … Continue reading