Monthly Archives: May 2012
Camp Audiobus

After arriving in Barcelona, we spend a few days just hanging around, doing a few bits and pieces on Audiobus, wandering around the town of Calella nearby. It’s all slightly eerily quiet, but quiet is just fine with us. On day three, my friend and partner in Audiobus Sebastian arrives from Germany to spend a week with us. He’s booked … Continue reading
Over the Mountains: The Road to Barcelona

We are going to Barcelona! We have a friend, Hayden, who lives there — we went to uni together, and he’s since moved over here to do a maths PhD (for some ungodly reason) — and we’re also meeting up with Sebastian, the friend with whom I’m doing Audiobus, who’s flying over for the week and staying with us. We … Continue reading
Leaving Alet

I know. We’ve been conspicuously silent. So silent, in fact, that a few kind souls have actually written to us to make sure we’re still, you know, alive (thank you, souls!). We have good reason though – we’ve been having a truly splendid creative time working on projects. Katherine’s been busily creating a set of paintings for her Etsy-store-to-be, and … Continue reading